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Tesla Rental Terms and Conditions


The following agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the Wander Tesla rentals. To access the Tesla, you may complete verification in the Wander app upon check-in. Alternatively, you may contact our Concierge team at 737-377-3205 for any troubles.

Renters must meet all of the Eligibility Criteria in order to obtain access to the vehicle rental. By accessing or using Wander services, including the Wander platform or communicating with Wander concierge to set up Tesla rental, the renter agrees to comply with, and be legally bound by, the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, in addition to the Wander Tesla Rental Agreement. For any questions regarding this document or Wander Tesla rentals, please contact Wander concierge at +1 737-377-3205 or directly through the Wander app. 

Rental Term 

This agreement will commence upon the renter’s acceptance of this agreement and within the window of the renter’s stay at the designated Wander property. The renter agrees to suspend all privileges and access to the rented vehicle upon the completion of their stay at the Wander property. Any unauthorized use or attempted use outside of designated rental periods will result in suspension from Wander and possible legal action. 


  • Definition of Wander Tesla: When renting the vehicle, you may also have access to the Tesla key card, charging cables, charging cards, or other car accessories. All items provided by Wander as part of the rental agreement (Including, tires, license plates and vehicle documents) must be returned along with the vehicle upon termination of the rental period. Wander reserves the right to charge additional fees for lost, stolen or damaged vehicle parts or accessories. 
  • ‘Guest’ and ‘Renter’ Definitions: Throughout this document the terms ‘guest’ and ‘renter’ are used interchangeably, since renters are required to be guests at a Wander property. In this policy both ‘guests’ and ‘renters’ are held to the same standards. 
  • Vehicle Possession: This agreement entitles the renter to temporary possession of the Wander Tesla, during the defined period, not ownership of the vehicle. As such, the renter is prohibited under all circumstances from transferring ownership of the vehicle to any other party or acting as an agent of Wander in any manner.
  • Tolls: Actual cost of tolls incurred by Renters are the responsibility of the Renter.  
  • Late Returns: If the vehicle is returned outside of the rental period, Wander reserves the right to apply additional charges to the renter’s account in accordance with the time and date the vehicle is returned beyond the termination period. 
  • Extension of Rental Period: Renters are eligible to extend their Tesla rental period so long as it aligns with the guest’s stay at Wander. Guests are not permitted to extend the Tesla rental outside of the timeframe of their Wander home rental. Any questions regarding extensions can be directed to Wander concierge (+1 737-377-3205). 

Scope of Use

The renter of the Tesla must be a guest at a Wander property and is only eligible to use the vehicle during his/her stay and once all of the outlined criteria have been met. Only the approved renters are eligible to use the Wander Tesla vehicles. The vehicle must be driven on properly maintained roads, lots, and drives. Renters are not permitted to sublease the vehicle or use it for hire (Including, Uber, Lyft..etc). Renters must abide by all state and federal laws while operating the vehicle. The Tesla vehicle may not be used for the following purposes:

  1. To tow or push another vehicle, trailer, or any additional attachment, unless written permission is obtained from Wander
    1. This includes, but is not limited to, a snow plow, UHaul, camper, and boat/aquatic vehicle. 
  2. To transport illegal goods or for any purpose that is prohibited by law
  3. To participate in any competitions, races, or contests 
  4. To drive in a negligent or unsafe manner 
  5. To drive under the influence of any alcohol, drugs, controlled substances, or medications that may inhibit the driver’s operations of the vehicle
  6. To drive across international borders 
  7. To conduct illegal activities, including, but not limited to drug and/or human trafficking 
  8. To operate the vehicle when a warning light or other mechanical situation that could cause damage to the vehicle is evident
  9. To transport children in a manner that is unsafe or against federal/state laws (ie: without a seatbelt/booster seat if one is required based on height and weight criteria)
  10. As part of any media, marketing, or advertising arrangement, unless explicitly agreed to by Wander in writing
  11. To post any false, inaccurate, misleading, defamatory, discriminatory, illegal, or libelous content

Eligibility Criteria

In addition to complying with all of the stipulations outlined in this agreement, the renter of a Wander Tesla must meet all of the following requirements in order to be deemed eligible for vehicle rental: 

  1. Be at least twenty-one (21) years old, unless otherwise required by law
    1. There may be additional charges for renters under twenty-five (25)
  2. Possess a valid U.S. Driver’s License issued in the renter’s name, displaying their appearance, and that is not suspended, confiscated, revoked, or expired
    1. License must be valid for the duration of the rental period 
    2. If the driver's license is in a language other than English, an International Driver's Permit is highly recommended
  3. Possess a valid auto insurance policy that is in force and in good standing, and will remain that way throughout the period utilizing Wander's vehicles
  4. Possess and use for payment of any fees owed hereunder a valid bank-issued credit or debit card (no pre-paid debit cards) issued in their name; and
  5. Possess a verifiable current email and physical address.
  6. Have a clean driving record with no major violations within the last three (3) years. A major violation is defined as follows: 
    1. Driving with a revoked or suspended license 
    2. Driving under the influence or while otherwise impaired 
    3. Driving while in possession of drugs or alcohol 
    4. Refusing to submit to a breath, urine, or blood test while suspected of illegal activity 
    5. Reckless driving 
    6. Driving 30 miles or more over the posted speed limit; to include racing of any kind
    7. Commission of a felony with a vehicle (ie: hit and run, vehicular manslaughter, vehicular assault, vehicular homicide, eluding a police officer) 
    8. Additional considerations: 0-1 at fault accidents, 0-3 minor violations, or a combination of 1 at fault accident and 0-2 minor violations will also be treated as a major violation 

Wander reserves the right to deny renters based on a lack of adherence to the aforementioned criteria.


To access the Wander Tesla, renters must be ‘active guests’ at a Wander property. The ‘active’ status indicates that the guest has registered for a Wander account (either on www.wander.com or by using the Wander mobile app), has booked a stay at one of the Wander homes, has provided Wander with all required registration information, and has agreed to be bound by the outlined terms and conditions. 

While registering for a Wander account and filling out all rental forms, the guest must provide accurate, current, and complete information. Based on the information provided, the guest may be subject to additional verification criteria or screenings to ensure compliance with the outlined Terms and Conditions. 

Guests are only eligible to participate in the Tesla rental program during the course of their stay at a Wander property. All Tesla renters must also be registered with Wander at the time of booking. If there are multiple guests staying at the Wander property, each guest that will be driving the Wander Tesla must register and fill out separate rental agreement forms. 

Personal Information Protection

Protecting guests' personal information is one of Wander’s top priorities. Tesla smart features include optional connectivity to personal streaming accounts from the vehicle (Including, Netflix, Spotify, and Tesla streaming). Guests may opt to use these features during their rental but are responsible for logging out of all of their personal accounts upon completion of the rental period. Guests who log in to their personal streaming accounts on the Wander Tesla do so at their own risk. Wander will periodically check to ensure that all accounts are logged out of each Tesla. However, the Company is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or tampered credentials, foreign use, or purchases made on accounts that remained active in the vehicle’s system. 

Pet Policy

Wander guests who travel with their pets are permitted to drive with their pet in the car. However, renters must cover car seats with blankets or towels to prevent damage to the car’s interior. Excessive pet damages (Including, but not limited to, pet hair, dirt/debris, urine, feces or claw marks) may incur additional fees. 

Recurring Renters 

Recurring guests are still required to sign the Tesla rental agreement and review the terms and conditions with each Tesla rental. They must review their account to ensure that all personal information is up to date (address, license, audto insurance policy payment information…etc). Wander reserves the right to ask repeat renters for additional verifications to ensure that they continue to meet the eligibility criteria. 


Wander Tesla renters must provide active proof of insurance that is eligible to cover the cost of loss or any damages to the vehicle during the rental period. In the event that the Wander Tesla is damaged by the renter, renter is responsible for paying an associated insurance deductibles. 


Renter of Wander’s Tesla vehicles agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Wander Company for any damages beyond insurance coverage, loss, or legal actions (Including associated attorney fees) against Wander that result from the renter’s operation of the Tesla during the time defined in the rental agreement. The renter waives any claims against Wander for incidental, special,  or consequential damages in connection with the rental


Renters of the Wander Teslas are responsible for any parking tickets, speeding tickets, moving violations, or other traffic citations while using the rented vehicle.  


Prior to filing a claim in any proceeding, the renter and Wander each agree to give the other party written notice of the claim 30 days prior to initiating a proceeding in order to make a reasonable and good faith effort to mediate a resolution to the claim. Proceeding include, but are not limited to, small claims court and individual arbitration. 

Vehicle Condition & Existing Damage

Wander certifies to the best of the company’s knowledge that the Tesla vehicle being rented is in good and safe operating condition without any defects or damages that would affect the renter or put the renter’s safety at risk under normal use.

The renter agrees to return the car in the same condition that it was received at the start of the agreement. This includes the following:

  1. Returning the vehicle to the designated location at the Wander home 
  2. Following all check-out procedures and guidelines as outlined by Wander concierge 

The following outlines additional criteria associated with the condition of the vehicle: 

  1. Smoking: Wander Tesla vehicles adhere to a strict no smoking policy, including the prohibition of use of e-cigarettes inside the vehicle. Additional charges may be added if the vehicle shows signs of smells or debris from smoking. 

  1. Excessive mess or stains: Renter may incur additional charges if vehicle is returned with excessive debris or stain damages. 

Renter’s Responsibility

  • Upon initiation of the rental term, renter is provided with the opportunity to examine the Tesla vehicle and must mark any existing damages to the vehicle on the graphic below.
  • In addition, the renter is required to take photographs of the car prior to use
  • Renters must inform Wander about any damages or maintenance issues 

 Roadside Assistance 

If you require any assistance or require roadside assistance, please contact Wander concierge (+1 737-377-3205) first to advise them of the issue, then reach Tesla's Roadside assistance toll free line at  (877) 798-3752. If you have any emergencies, please dial “911” immediately. 

Termination or Cancellations 

In the event that you cancel your stay at Wander or choose not to utilize the Tesla, please contact Wander concierge (+1 737-377-3205) for assistance with all reimbursements and rental agreement terminations. 

Accident Reporting

In the event that the renter of the Wander Tesla is involved in an accident, he/she must follow the following procedures:

  1. Contact the police if the situation demands 
  2. Contact Wander concierge (+1 737-377-3205) to advise them of the situation and report the claim
  3. Take photos/videos of the cars and the surrounding scene of the accident from various angles to accurately portray what had occurred 
  4. Inspect the Tesla before driving it and note any damages (Including, photographs or videos)
  5. Obtain the full name, date of birth, and driver’s license number of the other party involved in the accident (a photo of the individual’s driver’s license will suffice) 
  6. Record the other party’s insurance policy number and carrier 
  7. Obtain a copy of the police report (if possible) to help develop a thorough understanding of who is at fault 

Vehicle Theft

In the event that the Wander Tesla goes missing, is not returned to its original parking location, and/or is stolen during the reservation period, the renter must immediately contact Wander concierge (+1 737-377-3205). The renter is required to follow Wander procedures and guidelines surrounding vehicle theft (to include suspected theft), including compliance with police and authority investigations, statements for record, and any additional Wander questioning.

Rights and Restrictions

Renters taking any photographs or videos of the Wander vehicles are responsible for abiding by all of Wander’s policies and must not use the content to defame the company in any manner. The renter agrees that Wander may use all photographs, videos, or promotional materials that are created for the Company or using Company resources (including the Tesla) on its website, social channels, for marketing or promotional purposes without further compensation.Further, renters waive any and all rights to royalties or moral rights they may have in the images/videos.

Limitation of Liability and Waiver 



Wander reserves the right to modify the Tesla Terms and Conditions at any time and is obligated to post the revisions on its website and app. No modifications can be made to this agreement, once executed with a renter, without written consent from both parties to the agreement. If any changes are made, the agreement must be resigned at the time the modifications are implemented.


By signing this Wander user agreement, I am acknowledging that I have read the above terms and conditions regarding Wander Tesla rental in its entirety and I certify that I am physically and legally competent to operate a vehicle. I accept and will abide by all the terms and conditions described above. I understand the preceding terms and my responsibilities regarding Wander Tesla rental. I further acknowledge that any infractions or violations of this agreement could result in additional monetary fines, suspension/termination of access to Wander homes, and/or legal action. 

Renter acknowledges and understands that any misuse, illegal use or prohibited use of the Tesla and any other violation of this agreement may result in the involvement by law enforcement.   Renter agrees to follow the lawful directions of law enforcement including, but not limited to, surrendering the vehicle of asked to do so by law enforcement or by Wander.