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Health and Medical: Wander Bandon Beach

Monique profile pictureMoniqueMay 10, 2024

Health emergencies on vacation aren’t uncommon, especially when traveling to an area like Wander Bandon Beach in Oregon, known for intense nature and outdoor activities like hiking and mountain biking.

While you can be careful, we can’t prevent all accidents. And in that event, it’s always good to plan, prepare, and have all your emergency contacts and resources ready to go. 

Make a Plan

There’s nothing wrong with spontaneity but if you’re traveling with family, friends, or solo, share your travel plans with a close friend or family member back home. Think of that person as your emergency contact. 

If you’re traveling with small children or teens, have a talk with them about what to do in case of a medical emergency. Don’t forget to take medical bracelets, health insurance cards, and prescriptions along.

Pets are family too! If you’re bringing your four-legged friends along, take them to the vet for a pre-travel check-up and pack their medications.

Be Mindful of Health Conditions 

There’s no doubt you'll spend most of your time in Bandon outdoors, making the most out of the weather and activities. If you have a history of respiratory problems, allergies, diabetes, or other health conditions, travel with your epi-pen, inhaler, insulin, or any other life-saving medication. 

It can’t hurt to get a general check-up before hopping on the plane and traveling miles from home. Make sure to have all your shots and wear your medical bracelets if you need them. 

Always let your group know about any health conditions and where to find your medications ahead of time so they can be prepared in the event of an emergency. Be open to changing plans to accommodate someone with a health condition. 

Know Your Fitness Level

Bandon is a haven for adventure enthusiasts with many hiking and biking trails around the corner.

Trails can vary by difficulty and it’s best to choose one that matches your fitness level. It’s tempting to try and keep up with the pack, but everyone has different limits and it’s important to know yours. 

If you’re not someone who gets active regularly, your vacation might not be the best time to push past your limits. Let the group know your limit ahead of time and be sure to pause and take breaks if necessary. 

For hiking/biking newbies, try beginner-friendly trails like The Snag mountain biking trail (0.6 miles) and the Bandon Oregon Coast Walk (4.4 miles). 

Wear The Right Gear

You want to pack comfy, athletic, and outdoor clothes for your trip to Bandon. Pack some hiking boots, running shoes, socks, sunscreen, and a hoodie that’s easy to slip on and off depending on the temperatures.

No one wants to spend their vacation nursing a bad prick in the foot from wearing the wrong shoes. Check out our full list of what to pack for your trip to the Oregon Coast for starters.

When doing activities, always wear safety equipment and follow the safety precautions on any trail or adventure. 

Stay Hydrated

Temperatures on the Oregon coast are fairly mild with summer highs averaging mid to low 60s (in Fahrenheit), but hydration is still important. Take a reusable bottle of water or sports drink with you for your outdoor adventures.

A reusable bottle is a great way to track your fluid intake. You might need to increase your fluid intake depending on the length and intensity of the hike or bike journey. 

Alternate between sports drinks with electrolytes and plain water for a great balance of hydration. A great rule of thumb is to keep drinking water, even if you don’t feel thirsty at the moment.

Dehydration can catch up to you after a few hours with lingering headaches that can take the relaxation out of your vacation.

Be Prepared for First Aid Situations


Some of the most common emergencies and accidents on vacation are burns, knife cuts, scrapes, bruises, fractures from falls, food poisoning, cardiovascular problems, and respiratory problems. We stashed a first aid kit in the Wander Bandon Beach home for any minor scrapes, cuts bruises, and insect bites.

Tip: Assess the situation to see if it’s an emergency that requires an urgent trip to the hospital. 

If you think you’re in an emergency, the key is to always stay calm. That’s easier said than done but it can be the difference between having a situation under control and making it worse by panicking. 

First thing’s first, you’ll want to identify the person in your group with first aid or CPR training. If no one is trained, you can help out by quickly checking your surroundings for danger and clues to avoid putting yourself and the injured person at risk.

Check if they’re responsive and breathing, if not – check their airway to see if it's blocked before performing CPR. You don’t need a CPR certification or formal training to save a life but it’s good to know the basics. 

If something's broken, avoid moving the injured person to prevent causing more pain and harm. Check if there’s any excessive bleeding. You can stop the bleeding by applying pressure to the area.  

Once you’ve stabilized the injured person, you can drive them to the emergency room or medical center. If you’re not sure if it’s safe to move the injured person – when in doubt, you can call emergency services to see what steps they recommend taking.

Visit a Doctor or an Emergency Room

If your medical situation is beyond household first aid supplies, contact one of the health and medical services in the Bandon area. 

Southern Coos Hospital and Health Center

  • 541-347-2426

  • 900 11th St SE, Bandon, OR 97411

  • 3.4 miles away (10 minutes)

  • Open 24/7

North Bend Medical Center - Bandon

  • 154-134-75191

  • 110 10th St SE, Bandon, OR 97411, United States

  • 2.8 miles away (6 minutes)

  • Open Monday - Friday 8 am - 5 pm 

Coast Community Health Center

  • 541-347-2529 

  • 1010 1st St SE #110, Bandon, OR 97411

  • 4 miles away (10 minutes)

  • Closed on Saturdays & Sundays

If you’re experiencing any life-threatening emergencies, call 911 to be connected to the local police operator. Stay safe, have an awesome trip, and enjoy the breathtaking views and exciting adventures in the coastal retreat of Wander Bandon Beach.

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